
C1s c-n xps peak table
C1s c-n xps peak table

c1s c-n xps peak table

The C1s (as shown in Supplementary Figure S4) peak was standardized to the C-C peak at 285 eV and deconvoluted. Further details of the XPS analysis procedures are given elsewhere. The XPS peaks with multiple components were resolved by a peak fitting program assuming 100 Gaussian peak shape. The XPS data were acquired at a takeoff angle of 55°. In summary, the a-SiCN films deposited with a high-energy ion beam of 15 kV exhibit a high hardness level and a low friction coefficient. Evaluation of the measured results occurred using CasaXPS. The high-resolution C(1s), Ca(2p) and O(1s) spectra were obtained at a pass energy of 50 eV. The friction coefficient of the a-SiCN film with a high C C bond content against a steel ball is as low as 0.07. The hardness of the a-SiCN films depended on the ion beam acceleration voltages. The a-SiCN film deposited at 0 kV demonstrates a hardness value of 19.5 GPa, whereas the a-SiCN films deposited at 0.2, 10 and 15 kV exhibit hardness values in the range of 25–34 GPa. The chemical bond of the a-SiCN films, measured via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis, is dominant in the C C bonds in the C1s spectra. However, the a-SiCN films deposited at 10 kV are primarily composed of Si. The a-SiCN films deposited at 0, 0.2 and 15 kV are primarily composed of C. The films are not deposited via nitrogen ion-beam irradiation at 0.5 or 1.0 kV. The a-SiCN films are deposited at acceleration voltages of 0, 0.2, 10, and 15 kV. The a-SiCN films are deposited by IBAD via electron beam evaporation of graphite and Si under simultaneous nitrogen ion-beam bombardment at acceleration voltages of 0–15 kV. The quantitative analysis of atomic percentage of. The fitted band of Si2p gives two sub-peaks centred at 100.6 eV and 102.3 eV can be assigned to Si-C and Si-O bonds, respectively. On the other hand, the band related to silicon atom (Si2p) appeared at around 101 eV. This study discusses the fabrication of amorphous silicon carbon nitride (a-SiCN) films by ion-beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) and investigates their hardness and frictional properties. XPS survey data (atomic percentage) for the elements on to surface of samples before and after adsorption of HAS.

C1s c-n xps peak table